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Basic Robot Assembly of The Arduino Robotic Kit

This is step by step illustration of basic robot assembly of The Arduino Robotic Kit.

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1. Introduction:

Video tutorials shows the basic robot construction of The Arduino Robotic Kit. This is the basic robot construction of The Arduino Robotic Kit. 4 types of robots can be constructed with The Arduino Robotic Kit. 

Basic robot construction(explained here) is required to make every robot of this kit, detailed robot construction of every robot is explained in their respective tutorials.

1.2 Required Parts(hardware)

The Arduino Robotic Kit comprises several parts. These parts come in sorted form in separate poly bags. Each poly bag is named. Following parts will be required to construct basic robot on The Arduino Robotic Kit.

  1. Wooden Chassis (The Arduino Robotic Kit )
  2. BO Motors
  3. Motors nut and screw set
  4. Castor wheel
  5. Castor wheel nut and screw set
  6. BO Motor Wheels
  7. Arduino UNO Board
  8. Arduino UNO studs and screw set
  9. Motor Shield
  10. Battery Holder
  11. Battery Holder Nut and Screw set
  12. Screw driver

Once you have above parts ready with you, follow this video to construct basic robot on The Arduino Robotic Kit.

In this way basic robot is constructed for The Arduino Robotic Kit. Holes are provided in the chassis to take motor’s wire out. This basic construction will be required to construct all 4 robot of this kit. Further robot construction is explained in their respective tutorials. Basic robot of The Arudino Robotic Kit look like-

Where to Buy.

Buy on Amazon Prime – click here

Buy on Robo India – click here

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Content Development Team 
Robo India

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