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NodeMCU Amica Installation – ESP8266 Based Development Board

Robo India presents tutorial on how to install NodeMCU Amica, ESP8266 wifi module based development board.

1. Introduction:

NodeMCU Amica is a ESP8266 Wifi Module based development board. It has got Micro USB slot that can be directly connected to the computer or other USB host devices.

It has got appearance as shown in above image. It has got 15X2 Header pins and a Micro USB slot, the headers can be mounted on breadboard and the micro USB slot is for connection to USB host device that may be a computer. It has got CP2102 USB to serial converter.

2. CP2102 Installation

In order to install CP2102 (USB to Serial Converter), you will need driver for the same. You may download drivers from the following link. This link offer drivers for 32 and 64 bit operating system.

  • Window
  • Mac
  • Linux
  • Android

You may download CP2102 Drivers from here.

Once you have downloaded drivers as per the operating system your system has got. Connect the nodeMCU to your computer and install the downloaded drives when your system prompts to install the drivers for the newly connected USB device.

Go to the device manager of your computer and note down the COM port allocated to the newly connected USB device i.e. You nodeMCU Amcia. This comport number will be required while using NodeMCU Amica.

Now your NodeMCU is installed on your computer. You may need following tutorials.

1. Flashing ESP8266 wifi Module with NodeMCU firmware.

2. Introduction to LUA, ESP8266 and ESPlorer.

Other tutorial on ESP8266 Wifi module is also there please see the category ESP8266 Wifi module in the left category panel.

If you have any query please write us at

Thanks and Regards
Content Development Team 
Robo India

1 Comment

  1. Sanjay

    I applied wrong polarity to Vin/Gnd to the Nodemcu. I got some burnt smell near the Vin pin. Now the Nodemcu is not recognized on the USB port of the computer. What should I do. Can I just replace the faulty diode. It is a Amica Nodemcu.

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