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Arduino UNO Multipurpose Kit

>>Basic Learning Tutorials

1. Arduino a general Introduction – (Getting started)

2. Digital Output – LED Blinking

3. Analog Output – LED fade in and fade out

4. Analog input and output on LED & Serial

5. Digital Input & Output | Push button & LED

6. RGB LED color generation

7. Arduino Servo Control

8. 16X2 LCD  

9. LM 35 Temperature Sensor

10. LDR (Light-Dependent Resistor)

11. IR Proximity and color detection sensor

12. Relay board and arduino interfacing.

13. Shift Register (Serial In Parallel Out)

14. Peizo Buzzer

>>Advance Learning Tutorials

1. Line Follower Robot with Arduino

Download Line Follower Code

Update: If you receive a castor wheel and sensor plate different from the above video then use this link to assemble the castor wheel and sensor plate.

2. Obstacle Avoiding Robot with Arduino

Download Obstacle Avoiding Robot Code

NOTE: Troubleshooting for possible error in Obstacle Avoiding Robot.

Error: HCSR04.h: No such file or directory.

Go To:   Sketch >> Include Library >> Manage Libraries
Then search for HCSR04 by Martin Sosic library and install it.

Go To:   Sketch >> Include Library >> Manage Libraries
Then search for HCSR04 by Martin Sosic library and install it.

3. Bluetooth Controlled Robot with Arduino


Download AIA File for Bluetooth controlled robot.

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For Order related issue or bulk order:  Call/WhatsApp : 0 8854850933.