Robo India presents tutorial how to flash ESP8266 wifi module with LUA firmware. NodeMCU firmware is used here.
1. Introduction:
ESP8266 wifi module can be used as a development board with LUA programming. To start with LUA Programming on ESP8266 wifi module, the module should have a firm wire that supports LUA. NodeMCU is an open source firmware for ESP8266 wifi module. This tutorial explains how to upload NodeMCU firmware to ESP8266 wifi module.
Before we go ahead you may need to know the setup connections of ESP8266, This tutorial of Robo India explains setup connections of ESP8266.
Connect RX and TX pins of ESP8266 module to the Serial Port of you computer, if you don’t have one in your computer, FTDI or CP2102 can be used.
2. Required Software
Two software will be required to flash ESP8266 wifi module with NodeMCU.
2.1 NodeMCU Firmware
Download NodeMCU firmware from the below link.
You will find two firmware there, one is for integer and other is for float. Download any one of them as per your requirement.
2.2 Flasher
A software will be required to transfer the firmware we downloaded in above step to the ESP8266 wifi module. This software is known as flasher. Download flasher from the below mentioned link. It has got flasher for Win64 and Win32, download as per your computer’s operating system.
3. Flashing
In order to flash ESP8266 wifi module, your module should be connected to your computer. From device manager of your computer please note down the comport no to which your ESP8266 wifi module is connected. For mine it is COM2.
Open Flasher downloaded in above step and select COM Port.
Click on configuration tab and enter the full path the firmware you downloaded in step2. if the path is correct it will be in green color else it will turn red. As shown in the following image.
Go to Operation tab of Flasher software and click on Flash(F) button.
Press Flash Switch (on ESP8266 Module) and reset the module by pressing reset switch. You should keep on pressing Flash button while pressing and releasing Reset button. (Flash button connects GPIO0 to GND and Reset Button connects RST to GND)
By doing this ESP8266 module will enter into flash mode, You may check this by clicking on Log tab of Flasher Software.
It is showing Acknowledge successful.
After successful acknowledgment it show the status of set base address. In the above image it is showing successful set base address.
The module is being flashed with the NodeMCU firmware. In the operation tab you can see current status of flashing.
Once the module gets connected to Flasher software, it starts showing MAC address of the ESP8266 wifi module.
On successful completion of flashing green tick mark appear on bottom left corner. The same can be seen from Log tab of Flasher software.
After successful flashing Flasher software disconnects itself.
The ESP8266 wifi module is now successfully flashed with NodeMCU firmware. You may use it for LUA programming.
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