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Arduino Analog Output – LED fade in and fade out.

This tutorial explains how to take analog output from Arduino. One of the basic tutorials for Arduino. The output is taken on a LED that fades in and fades out. The video of output is also included.

1. Introduction:

A step by step illustrated very basic tutorial for Arduino. Here we are taking analog output on a LED. This LED gets fade in and then fade out.

Arduino gives analog output in range of 0 to 255. Technically the output is digital but in the form of PWM, but it seems to be analog.

Arduino Boards have 6 PWM(Analog Pins) these are PIN No. 3,5,6,9,10,11.

1 Arduino UNO 1
2 Breadboard 1
3 LED 1
4 Resistor 1k 1
5 Jumper 4

2. Building Circuit

Schematic Diagram:

Circuit Layout:

3. Programming:

Once we are done with circuit part, here is our programme to this circuit.

You may download this code (Arduino Sketch) from here.

Tutorial for Analog Output. 
Analog output is taken through PWM.
Prepared by Robo India.

int LED_ao = 3; // The LED attached to Pin 3 for analog output.           

void setup()  { 
  pinMode(LED_ao, OUTPUT); // Declaring Pin as output.

void loop()  { 
 // Range of PWM is 0 to 255. So we are running FOR LOOP for 1 to 255.
  for (int brightness=1; brightness<=255; brightness++)  // For loop for Fade In effect.
      analogWrite(LED_ao, brightness);  // LED will glow for value of 1 to 255.
      delay(20);                     // Small delay to see fade effect.      
  for (int brightness=255; brightness>0; brightness--) // Same FOR LOOP for Fade out effect.
      analogWrite(LED_ao, brightness);  


4. output:

Here is the output of this tutorial-

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Content Development Team 
Robo India

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