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Introduction- Hm10 Bluetooth

This tutorial of Robo India explains the introduction of Hm10 bluetooth

1. Introduction:

HM-10 is a Bluetooth V4.0 BLE version.HM-10 Bluetooth module use CSR BlueCore or TI CC2540, HC-10 role to send and receive the data .HC-10 is a transmission version and remote control version and PIO state .HC-10 is also support the AT command modify module parameters, Convenient and flexible.Transmission version can be used to transmit data between two Bluetooth devices.Remote Control version can be used to Control PIO ports output high or low level without any other MCU.The PIO state acquisition version can be used to acquisition PIO ports state without any other MCU.It has wide range of applications such as Industrial remote control,Automatic data acquisition,bluetooth remote control toys,etc

1.1 Pin Description of HC-10 Module:

A widely available bluetooth module that has capability to enable your project with bluetooth. The HM-10 Bluetooth Module has 6pins.They are as follows: 

  1. STATE: It acts as a power indicator.This pin is connected to an external LED.
  2. VCC – Supply Voltage 3.3V to 5V
  3. GND – Ground pin
  4. TXD & RXD:  These two pins acts as an UART interface for communication
  5. BRK: In general,this pin is not used or connected since it breaks the bluetooth connection.When brk is pulled high,it breaks or interrupts the connection.

It has got one LED, Which shows its state. If it is blinking that means it is not connected. If it is staying in glowing condition that means it is connected. There is a pin STATE that is connected to this state LED. You may use this pin in your project to determine the state of BT module.

2. HM-10 Configuration

The HM-10 module can be configured over the serial connection (pins RXD and TXD) using AT commands. The module uses AT commands to control the hc-10 bluetooth and check the connection its connect or not

  1. AT+ADDR? is use to Query the native MAC address and it should return: Ok+ LADD: MAC address (address for 12 string)
  2. AT+BAUD? is use the query the baud rate and it should return: OK + Get: [para1]
  3. AT+BAUD[para1] is use to set the baud rate and it should return: OK+Set:[para1]
  4. AT+CLEAR is use the removal of equipment matching information and its Should return: OK + CLEAR.
  5. AT+MODE? is use the query module working mode and it should return: OK + Get: [para].
  6. AT + PASS? is use the query pairing password. and its should return: K + PASS: [para1]AT + PASS?
  7. AT + RESET is use to reset the module. and its should return: OK + RESET
  8. AT + ROLE [para1] is use to set the master-slave mode Should return: OK + Set: [para1].
  9. AT+SLEEP is use to set the device in sleep mode. Should return: OK+SLEEP

3.How to connect HM-10 bluetooth module with Arduino Uno

  1. VCC to 3.3V or 5V
  2. GND to GND
  3. TX to digital pin 8
  4. RX to digital pin 9

4. Output

After setting up the connections.Open the Arduino IDE and make sure the correct COM port is selected. Open the Serial Monitor, select “9600 baud” then enter “AT”. If the connections are correct you will get an “OK”.

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Content Development Team 
Robo India

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